{ Art at the Market } Booth * Shots //

Here are some shots of my booth from 'Art at the Market' this past Saturday. The weather was perfect. I got to see loads of friends and I won 'Honorable Mention' for my ecoprints!IMG_8583 I like to incorporate natural items such as pinecones, plants and rocks in my booth. But I also like to have Buddha, Ganesha and Lakshmi smiling down on my books... IMG_8584 IMG_8585_1 IMG_8586 IMG_8587 IMG_8588 IMG_0490Something that really surprised me at this show was how many people bought my Flower Fold bookmaking kits. I brought them at the last minute after my friend suggested it. I have decided to make more kits and more types of kits as well as handmade & scrap paper, ephemera scraps and ecoprint paper packs. I am wondering...what do you think about kits and paper packs in my inventory? Are you more likely to buy something DIY or do you prefer something already made? If you do prefer DIY, is it something that you do with friends or on your own? Would you buy paper packs at a show to use in your own work or do you prefer to find your own?